How to create spam filters in Direct Admin
This demo assumes you've already logged in to Direct Admin
Now let's learn how to create Spam Filters in Direct Admin
Scroll down...
Click the SPAM Filters link
Let's go ahead and block email from a specific address
This is the main E-mail Filter (or spam filter) screen, where you can enter several different kinds of filters
You can block email from specific email addresses, from an entire domain, or emails containing specific words
You can also block emails that are too large, and/or enable the adult email filter which will block emails containing common adult phrases
Now let's block email from an entire domain
The email address has been blocked
Now let's enable the Adult Filter..... click here
The Adult Filter has been enabled
For any emails that match our filter criteria, let's choose to send those emails to a spambox
Then click Save
Let's remove the filters we just created.....
From this E-Mail Filters screen, we can also remove existing spam filters
Click the Home icon here
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create email filters from Direct Admin, as well as remove them